Curse of Shadows and Light Page 2
Anastasia guides me down a stone path, around the side of the house and toward a rose garden. There a trio of ornately carved marble benches surround a birdbath, and she sits me down on one of them.
“Do you need something to drink? Some water perhaps?” Her voice is tight, as if she’d really prefer not to have to give me anything.
I shake my head again and focus on the pretty flowers. Anything to stop the world from spinning. “I’m fine. Just tired. We’ve been in the car a long time. It was an exhausting trip.” And one we apparently made for nothing.
She’s quiet for a while, and it’s obvious she doesn’t want me here. I know I should say something… beg, cry, plead for her help. But I can’t bring myself to do it. I feel her disgust, her disdain. I’d rather take my chances with the Light-angels than be at the mercy of someone who thinks I’m such trash.
The dizziness begins to ease, so I stand up. “Sorry we bothered you. It wasn’t our intention.”
Anastasia focuses on me intently. “The other one arrives at sundown, correct?”
“Lucky? Yeah, she’ll be here soon. Don’t worry, we’ll be gone before she shows. Have a nice evening.” I turn to leave.
“Wait. Stay a moment more. I want you to tell me why you came. What you want.”
I shrug. “Does it matter? Obviously we don’t belong here. This is like a fantasy world. People like us… me, Lucky, Kieron, even Corrine… we belong in the shadows.”
She narrows her eyes even more. “Is that what you really believe? That you must live in darkness forever?”
I turn back and sit down again. I wasn’t kidding when I told her I was exhausted. Or maybe it’s because when I look at her out of the corner of my eye she looks just like Tattie.
“It’s a long story. We need help. We need a sanctuary. A powerful, enchanted place that can hide us from Light-angels. And Tatiana also thought that maybe you could help Lucky and me reunify. Somehow magically put us back to how we were before our curse split us.”
Anastasia keeps staring at me, and I squirm under her penetrating gaze. “Look, I’m sorry we bothered you by coming here. It was Tattie’s idea. But I know when I’m not wanted, and Lucky will be here any moment so I really should go before things get worse—”
“You genuinely cared for Tatiana?” she asks, her voice soft.
I frown. “Well, of course. I love her more than anything. She’s the only mother I’ve ever known, and the one friend I’ve had my whole life. She means everything to me.”
Anastasia nods slowly. Her mouth pulls down at the corners, and her eyes suddenly dim. She looks away and takes a deep breath.
“So it would sadden you then to learn that she died last night?”
Everything goes eerily quiet. As if time has stopped and the air has frozen.
She turns back and fixates her hard gaze on me. “Last night. She was attacked and killed by Light-angels who were looking for you. I felt everything as it happened to her, as we have a very powerful connection. Or rather we did. It has now been permanently severed, thanks to you!”
My head spins as the dizziness crashes over me.
“No. No. It’s not true… she can’t be…!”
“They tortured her. They hurt her. Her dying act was to protect you,” Anastasia says hotly, her eyes blazing now.
“No! I don’t believe you!” I can’t catch my breath, and my heart is pounding.
“You got my sister killed! Her blood is on your hands. And now you come here asking for my help? For sanctuary? I should send your body out to the middle of the ocean right now and let the sharks fight over you!”
I grip the edge of the bench, but my arms give out, and I collapse in sobs and tumble to the grass below. “No… no… it can’t be! Please don’t let it be true. Please let Tattie be okay! Please, no—”
“Oh, it’s true. And you will suffer the consequences.”
The familiar fire pricks at my skin, a welcome escape from the agony seizing my chest, stealing my breath and shredding my soul.
As I fade into darkness, I have one final thought.
If Tatiana really is dead because of me, I don’t want to ever wake up.
Chapter 3. Lucky
I feel like someone has kicked me in the chest with a steel-tipped boot and there’s a poison arrow lodged in my gut. I suck in some air and sit up, disoriented. All I see is a luscious landscape of grass and colorful flowers, and lanterns lighting a cobblestone walk, all next to an enormous mansion overlooking the ocean. It’s a beautiful scene… like a picture. And strangely at odds with the overwhelmingly horrific way I feel.
I turn my head and see a petite woman sitting on a marble bench a few feet behind me. I gasp, and for a moment I can’t even catch my breath. Nothing could have prepared me for this. I knew they were twins. But this is just too surreal.
“You… it’s you. You’re her, Anastasia… Tattie’s sister.”
“And you are her,” the woman replies flatly. She stares at me without emotion as I struggle to stand. But I’m weak, and I feel like I’m moving in slow motion.
And like my heart has quite literally been ripped from my chest.
“What happened? What have you done to me?” I moan, looking around. “Where’s Kieron? Corrine?”
The woman’s intense blue eyes bore into mine. I can’t get over how much she looks like Tattie… and at the same time is nothing like her.
“Your friends are around the corner waiting in the car for you so you can leave at once.”
“What happened…what did you do to me?”
“You are an evil, filthy thing, and you are not welcome here!” she snaps.
I turn back and glare at the little woman. “Fine by me. I have better things to do than hang out with rejects from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.” Tattie’s twin or not, she obviously doesn’t share her sister’s appreciation for the darker side of life. Why were we sent here in the first place?
I try to walk, but my legs are rubbery and weak. I stagger to another marble bench and sit.
“What did you do to me?” I ask again. “And what did you do to Liora?” I search Anastasia’s face but I see no compassion there, no kindness. I only see an empty, cold, and hard version of her gentler twin.
Anastasia’s eyes narrow. “Why would you ask that about Liora?”
“Why? Because I think… I think she is suffering terribly right now,” I huff out between breaths. “Like she’s screaming inside. And I feel like I’m about to die or pass out, or both.”
“You have no idea what’s going on?”
“How could I? I just woke up. Last thing I remember I was driving through Arizona. What happened?”
“You are the demon girl.”
I stare at her blankly. This is news?
“But you are separate from Liora,” she continues.
Too exhausted to speak, I just nod.
“You are the creature they call Lucky.”
Is this a Stating Stupid Facts Party? I nod again. “I would say nice to meet you but clearly that’s not the case, is it.”
“If you and Liora are separate personalities, then why would you feel her suffering?”
I let out a small groan. Obviously this woman wants me gone, and I’m outta here just as soon as I can catch my breath enough to stand and walk away. Why the hell does she need to play Twenty Questions now?
I’m tempted to ignore her and focus on gathering my strength. But as I glance up and see Tattie’s face staring back at me, I relent.
“I don’t know what hurt her, but lately I’ve been able to feel her more. We have a link, but it’s tenuous. Something hurt her. Something big. And I don’t care how much you look like Tattie, if it was you who hurt her—us—then you will pay. Dearly.”
Anastasia’s tinkling laugh startles me. “Oh, silly creature, do you really think I’d let a demon cross onto my land and not take the proper precautions? There are so many enchantments protecting me from you
right now, you are as weak as a kitten. Or have you not noticed?”
A dull fire starts to build inside me, but is quickly doused. I realize I’m too tired to even get mad at this hateful witch. “You did this to us. But why? Why did you hurt Liora?”
“The magic only works on you. Humans are unaffected, of course. But perhaps she was bothered by something else. Some tragic news I shared with her right before you arrived.”
My heart thuds dully, and a heavy sense of foreboding creeps along my spine.
“What?” I whisper. But I don’t have to ask. I know. It’s the worst of the worst. In my heart and in my gut, I know.
“Tatiana is dead. She was killed last night by some Light-angels. They tortured her mercilessly for information about you. Her pain and suffering was so great, I felt it all the way over here on the other side of the country. I quickly found her on my Looking Stone and saw what was happening. But by the time I was able to send help, it was already too late. They snapped her neck and burned her body.”
The woman’s eyes blaze like blue diamonds, and she rises to her feet. “And you… it was your fault! You left her alone and unprotected. You left her to die!”
“NO! NO! Stop talking… you’re lying!” I cry out, but my voice is weak and hoarse. I try to stand, but fall over in a heap on the ground. It’s true. This is the source of Liora’s anguish. Nothing but losing our beloved Tatiana would hurt this much.
“Why did you leave her?” Anastasia screeches. “Didn’t you care about her at all? After all she’s done for you?”
I can’t even see her anymore… my eyes have flooded with tears. My hands and lips tremble uncontrollably as a rage builds inside.
“No… don’t say that,” I choke out. “I love her! I love her more than anyone. I would have died to protect her and keep her safe… that’s why we left! She said it was for the best…” I can’t process Anastasia’s devastating words. They can’t be true.
Tortured… Snapped her neck… Burned her body.
Something inside me explodes. “I will kill them! I will kill every last one of them!” I scream. Then I collapse to the ground and weep, exhausted. “No, Tattie, I’m so sorry… It should’ve been me… it should’ve been me… I should’ve been there to protect you… Oh, Tattie, I’m so sorry!”
I wrap my hands over my head and sob harder. Everything is over. How can I live with myself knowing that I caused Tatiana harm? Suffering? Why did I listen to her and leave? Why didn’t I stay? I could’ve protected her. It should’ve been me who died…
“Tattie,” I moan. “I’m so, so sorry… I will kill them all, I swear! I’ll hunt them all down and destroy—”
I feel a gentle kicking on my back. “Okay, stop it. She’s fine. You can stop your crying. I just needed to feel your real feelings… see how you really felt.”
I catch my breath and freeze. What did she just say?
Not daring to hope, I lift my head from my arms and turn to stare at the woman, my mouth open. Her face is softer now, but still wary.
“I needed to feel your emotions,” she continues quietly. “I’m an Empath witch, and I needed to see what kind of person… and demon you are before letting you in. I needed to know that your love for my sister was genuine. And that you do have some light left in your soul.”
“You mean… you mean…T at’s okay? She’s alive?” I stammer.
The woman nods.
“You… you lied to me... to us… as a test?”
She nods again. “I needed to know—”
“You crazy bitch!” I scream and lunge at her with all my might. Which isn’t much. I fall almost as quickly as I rose. “How could you… how could you?! And you think I’m evil?!”
“I’m sorry, but it had to be done. There was no other way.”
Relief overtakes me, and I roll over on my back on the soft grass and look up at the sky. I’m so grateful that Tatiana is still alive and hasn’t died a torturous death at the hands of Light-angels, I can’t even feel rage anymore. But I won’t forget what this woman put us through, test or no test. This is not something I will soon forgive—I don’t care whose sister she is.
“I know you are angry, but it needed to be done. I needed to know what I was dealing with here.” Anastasia sits down on the bench and sighs as she casts another wary gaze my way. “We’ve been tricked and hurt by demons before. I know Tatiana thinks you are different, but I had to see for myself.”
“I can’t believe we came all this way for nothing,” I mutter. “We should’ve just stayed in Dove Creek.”
Anastasia studies me carefully. “I can offer you sanctuary,” she says finally. “You and your friends will be safe on my lands as long as you follow my rules and obey my wishes. But if you give me any trouble, you’re gone.”
“Why would you let us stay?”
She’s quiet for a long time, and I’m starting to think she doesn’t really know the answer.
“Because I love my sister,” she finally replies, subdued. “And she loves you, for whatever twisted reason. She and I haven’t always seen eye-to-eye about a lot of things, especially when it comes to our magics. But I do respect her and will honor her request to provide you with my help. But I had to prove it to myself that you were worthy first.”
A sarcastic chuckle escapes my throat. “And scaring me to death was the only way to do that?”
“I am sorry I hurt you. But yes, it was the only way. Had you felt no pain or suffering or guilt, I would have known that your love was simply pretense, and that you were a soulless monster with no conscience. Because believe me when I say I’ve encountered plenty of those, and they’re usually hidden behind the biggest, brightest smiles. But what I felt from you, as well as Liora, was genuine… deep. I felt how much the thought of losing Tatiana devastated you both. That sort of love cannot be faked.”
I sit up and rest my chin on my knees as I look around again. The sun has long since set, but the brilliantly lit mansion and the hundreds of tiny white lanterns placed around the gardens give a warm, almost ethereal glow. I have to admit, as far as hideouts go this one isn’t half-bad. Even if it does come with a crazy witch bitch.
“How do you know we’ll be safe?” I ask.
She raises a haughty eyebrow. “How strong are you right now?”
“Like my muscles have been replaced with spaghetti and I’m too exhausted to even sleep.”
She smiles. “My lands are heavily enchanted to ward against supernatural beings of all kinds. I’m well aware of your issues with both the Light and Dark angels. Neither have any powers here, as you yourself can see.”
“How are you doing this?”
She laughs, and even I know how utterly stupid my question is. Contrary to popular belief, many human witches are more powerful than most demons, as their powers are wide-ranging and always growing. Demons on the other hand, are born with a limited, specific set of abilities. The only real difference between a human witch and a demon is the witch is a mortal being, while the demon is not. But the advantage ends there. In a cage match between a witch and a demon, my money would go on the witch every time.
“I can barely move, yet you expect us to live here?”
“I will reduce the charm. I had to turn it to maximum efficiency until I knew exactly what I was dealing with. And I still need to check out your partner, although he concerns me less.”
“Because he is a regular demion. He is always who he is, a blend of human and demon. But with your curse, you become more potent. You gather all your demon qualities at once, and that makes you highly volatile and unpredictable… and unusual.”
Just what I need, this freak telling me I’m a freak. “Tat said there are Energy Sources nearby,” I say, trying to change the subject.
“Yes, there are a few. The Demon Bar you need is accessible through a portal tunnel down on the beach. I’ll show you where it is later. It will provide you and your partner with safe passage and keep you off the magica
l radar. In the meanwhile, I have a small batch of Synthetic Energy that will tide you over until you can venture out. I know how weak you become without it, especially in your condition.”
She narrows her eyes and focuses on my midsection. “The demion in the car, is he the father?”
I lower my gaze and place my hand on my stomach as it flutters with the now-familiar warmth. “No. The father is… dead.” I barely whisper the last word, but to my ears it sounds like a deafening scream.
Anastasia nods. “Well that’s good, I suppose. We don’t need any more complications now. I promised my sister that if you panned out I would help you. You are formally granted sanctuary here. Unless you disobey me or otherwise cause me undo problems, you may stay until it is time for you to deliver. And if I can help you in other ways, I will.”
“What about my curse?”
She shakes her head. “I don’t know about that… not now, at least. For now, we must get you settled and establish the rules. Rule number one: You are forbidden to enter my home. And that goes for your boyfriend, as well.”
“You will live in the guest house over there.” She points to a well-lit cottage a few hundred yards away, at the end of a long cobblestone path. “You and your companions are welcome to stay there. But you are never to come to the main house. Liora may, and I will tell her so. Your human girlfriend may also enter. But not you, and not the male demion. In fact, you are not to come within fifty feet of this very spot.”
“Second rule: No one can know you are here. When you go out, as I know you must, you only use the secret access points I show you. You are to stay out of sight of any neighbors. The beach below the house is fine, but otherwise you stay in the shadows. You are here, but you are not here. The same goes for your boyfriend. Follow my rules and we shouldn’t have a problem. Even the slightest deviation and you are all out of here. And believe me, the gates won’t open next time.”
I stare at this woman, trying to decide what to do. I wish I could tell her to take her snotty rules and dive into the shark-infested ocean waters. But really, I have no choice. And she knows it. The only way we’ll survive is to remain invisible. And being under the veil of her oppressive protection spell actually makes me feel better about Liora. I can take care of myself… obviously. But Liora is always so weak. The witch’s enchantments might be the only way to save all of us.